How To Get Do Follow Backlinks From Reddit

In this quick tutorial, I’m going to show you how I get extremely powerful Do-follow backlinks from 

If you are not already aware, Reddit is one of the most popular websites on the internet. 

As a result of this, Reddit has gained incredible trust in the eyes of google. 

And getting a do follow backlink from this site can sky-rocket your rankings. 

Why Do You Need This Link?

Simply put,  this is a backlink your competitors wish they had. It also passes on exceptional link juice. 

Getting a link from Reddit is very easy. 

But, getting a Do-Follow backlink from Reddit is not so easy. 

That is why a link from here can have such a drastic impact on your rankings. And, why it is one of the most sought-after backlinks on the internet. 

What kind of metrics can I expect?

Reddit certainly comes in hot with its staggering matrics! 

According to, Reddit has a Domain Authority of 91 and a Page Authority of 87.  

Ahrefs gives a Domain rating of 94. 

And finally, Majestic gives a trust flow of 81 and a citation flow of 82. These are incredibly high metrics.

So How Do I Get This Link?

I have tried many ways to get a backlink from Reddit. Pretty much all of which haven’t been successful. Except for one service I use on 

I use a freelancer there named Vasco. 

Vasco provides a Reddit do-follow backlink service which I, along with many other customers have had great success using.

What Do Others Say About The Backlink & Service

As you can see from the reviews on Vasco’s sales page, he has a lot of happy customers. Myself included. I could go through all of them but that would take us all day. 


Here is a sample of a link placement Vasco was able to achieve on Reddit. This link went a long way in helping that client climb up the search engine rankings.

If you’d like to take advantage of this service, I have left a link HERE


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