Press Release Formats and Templates – A How To

Press release formats and templates, how to write one and make it look good.

So when it comes to press releases some love them and others hate them, but if you have a new product or business you're going to need a press release at some time or another. 

A press release is the quickest and easiest way to get cheap publicity.  If written in the right way with a good description, compelling call to action, they can result in multiple articles being placed on high-ranking sites.  This is a win for your company and website.  A press release done right can do great things for public awareness of your product, but not always your SEO.

Another great thing about press releases is they can be very cost-effective, at around $150.00 to $200.00 each including the writing of it they are a great marketing tool.  This is very inexpensive marketing and you can see why it can be very useful when done right but can be overused.

Now when you write the release it has to be done in a third-person perspective.  You have to talk about your “something” as a person looking in, gaining information to disseminate to the world.

Follow the template example below and be sure to use a good “call to action” as the video from PReach describes above.

Two Types of Press Releases

Now there are two types of press release formats and templates that are available for you to choose.

For Immediate Release

The first one we will cover quickly is the most common. This first release is called a "for immediate release." This means anyone can share the information in the release as soon as it has been made public. 

Time Limit

The second type of release will have time limits that only allow certain media sources the ability to report immediately and then they are offered to other publications like blogs, news sites, and such.

A lot of people caution the use of press releases, as 3 to 5 years ago they were used to try and game the system.  This was done by sending out multiple PRs with key-worded hyperlinks to your site and pages. This black hat technique could get a lot of high-ranking links but was quickly thwarted by the Google experts.

But done the right way a press release is still a very good option for marketing.  We only use a naked URL or a branded link, to a relevant page in all releases, as not to get a penalty.

You should safely be able to use PR’s once a year, and only to promote a new product or service.  Press releases should be used for marketing, not links… but they are a nice benefit.

If you don’t want to do this on your own we recommend using a reputable company to do the release for you.

Sample Press Release Format 

So well written press release formats and templates, placed into the right channels, with the right call to action can deliver you a great ROI.  Just be sure to pay for a good one as the $49 specials can do more harm than good. Thanks for reading and be sure to watch the video for more information on press releases.


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