Best Reseller Hosting Providers

Reseller Hosting Providers Service Review

The Best reseller hosting services companies are those that offer clients features that are best placed for reseller hosting. The companies that are in this list have been researched and seen to offer their clients such like features.

Blue Host

The other leader in offering reseller hosting services to clients is the Blue Host Web Hosting Company. Clients of the company get features like the ability to use private name servers, access to a free billing system, the ability to use multiple languages, and much more. The company furthermore offers their clients free protection from Spam, free simple scripts, and a website builder that comes free of charge. The company ensures that all these features are included to ensure that clients get the best reseller services available.


Another leading hosting company offering reseller hosting services all over the world is the Cirtex hosting company. The best reseller features that the Cirtex web hosting company offers clients are a control panel which comes with a free demonstration, an uptime of 99.9%, that is guaranteed by the company, protection of all clients’ data and information along with instant backups. Clients are furthermore allowed to oversell and are entitled to a 30-day money-back guarantee, round-the-clock support, both technical and customer care. The company also doesn’t charge clients any hidden fees or expect them to make any commitments by signing any kind of contract.

Just Host

Just is next on the list of the best reseller hosting services providers. The company has features that include an unlimited amount of capacity among others. It also offers clients an unlimited number of sub-domains and hosted domains, unlimited e-mail accounts, FTP accounts, and MYSQL databases. There are several free features that clients enjoy by hosting at hosting such as having an unlimited number of c Panel accounts that a client can hold, freeWHM Admin control panel, templates for websites, private name servers, Site builder software, and automated billing systems also come free of charge.

Green geeks

Green Geeks is the last company on the list of the best reseller hosting providers in the world. The company offers green hosting services that come with various features, for instance, a control panel that is easy to use, flexible, and more so very fast and brandable thus reliable. Clients are further entitled to an unlimited amount of bandwidth and webspace, e-mail addresses, add ons, and subdomains. A web host manager is also available for clients along with an uptime of 99.9%. The company also does not expect clients to make any kind of commitments and even offers a 30-day money-back guarantee in case dissatisfied with services along with private name servers. 


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